What motivate u guys?
mind sharing?
to be honest i doesnt know what happened to me this few weeks
i'm seemed so lost.
one thing led to another
is not about the ended relationship,
its sumthg else..
sumthg empty..
sumthg infinity..
i'm guessing this is the period of your life where u got to choose what's next,
its like in the book " the road not taken "
its choosing time right now.
hence which road shall i take?
i think i'm longing for something,
something extraterrestrial
i think i miss HIM
HIM the Almight.
Him who created you and me.
Him who are merciful
Him who love me.
i knew it somehow deep inside i'm still rebelling.
its gotta stop.
Happy Ramadhan U all.
Remember in certain parts of the world,there are kids that are dying and suffered from lack of food.
alhamdullilah syukur
mind sharing?
to be honest i doesnt know what happened to me this few weeks
i'm seemed so lost.
one thing led to another
is not about the ended relationship,
its sumthg else..
sumthg empty..
sumthg infinity..
i'm guessing this is the period of your life where u got to choose what's next,
its like in the book " the road not taken "
its choosing time right now.
hence which road shall i take?
i think i'm longing for something,
something extraterrestrial
i think i miss HIM
HIM the Almight.
Him who created you and me.
Him who are merciful
Him who love me.
i knew it somehow deep inside i'm still rebelling.
its gotta stop.
Happy Ramadhan U all.
Remember in certain parts of the world,there are kids that are dying and suffered from lack of food.
alhamdullilah syukur
is it me or is it that your blog entree is written in 'webdings' fonts???
Yeah, i feel you, like in a sailboat but no compass nor map.
But i huess my motivation is the wise words from Him, Himself in surah Al-Baqarah;286:"Allah tidak memberati seseorang melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya..." there is more to it, cube carik.. :)
ow yeah..i like webding font :P..somehow ppl dont like the font..i dont care :P
yeah..that's right..read it yesterday..funny that u requote it to me..:)
will alwiz remember that :) tq sis
loh..apakah ini..saya orang melayu, faham bahasa Malaysia dgn Inggeris je tak faham lah bahasa orang .... nak baca cam na nih? saya tak pernah ajar awak di tadika dulu tulisan gini..
ala cikgu..sy terlupe la pe yg cikgu ajaq :P
betul lah tu..kalo kamu sudah tahu, apa lagi, jom sama-sama kita melakukan perubahan dalam diri kita. kita buat apa yang Allah suruh dan kita tinggalkan apa yang Allah larang. Kalo rasa malas nak melakukan kebaikan, cuba fikir balik pernah tak Allah malas mendengar dan menunaikan apa yang kita minta? selamat beramal :-)
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